Medico Legal

Medico Legal


Medico-Legal Resume

Mr Palmer has been involved in medicolegal aspects of trauma care for many years.

He completed undergraduate training at Imperial College, London in 1990, then worked as a Trauma Registrar and Neurosurgical Registrar in Cardiff before completing the English general fellowship examinations in 1994. He spent two years as a research fellow in Trauma and Orthopaedics in Bath before embarking on the specialist training scheme in Oxford which included two years on the Level 1 Trauma Service at the John Radcliffe Hospital. He has also worked as a consultant at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford. He commenced work as a Trauma and Orthopaedic consultant in West Sussex in 2002

His trauma interests in research include knee surgery, foot and ankle surgery, cartilage transplantation and sports injuries.

For the last 20 years he has provided medical-legal reports for firms in Oxford, London and the South East. These included all aspects of trauma but were mainly acute neck sprains (so called "whiplash injuries"), fractures of the appendicular skeleton and sports injuries. Medicolegal report charges are approximately £800-£1200 per report depending on complexity. Turnaround from receiving instruction and all documentation to completion of report is within 6 weeks. Payment for reports is expected with 3 months of receiving report otherwise a 10% surcharge will be liable. Due to workload Mr Palmer is currently not taking new instructions.

Please contact:  Mr Simon Palmer


Address:         Mr S.H.Palmer
Orthopaedic Consultant
Goring Hall Private Hospital,
Bodiam Avenue,
West Susex.
BN12 5AT

Medicolegal resume

Sample terms to solicitors